Glossaire du trading expliqué

Le trading est un processus complexe, qui implique de nombreuses actions qu’une personne peu familière avec le monde financier trouvera déroutantes. Une fois que vous aurez commencé votre carrière de trader, vous serez inondé de termes commerciaux dont vous ne connaîtrez pas la signification. Vous ne comprendrez pas immédiatement en quoi la valeur marchande d’une entreprise diffère de sa valeur comptable. Vous ne comprendrez pas non plus ce que signifie l’IPC et en quoi il diffère d’une introduction en bourse, à moins que nous ne vous fournissions un glossaire de tous les termes déroutants que vous rencontrez dans le secteur du trading.

To help you avoid confusion, we have compiled a comprehensive glossary of financial terms used at the markets. All trading glossary is presented in our glossary in the alphabetical order and is explained with linguistic precision. Any financial term that sounds baffling to you now will become crystal clear once you read its definition in our glossary below.

Tous | # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Il y a 6 noms dans ce répertoire commençant par la lettre L.
This is the concept enabling traders to multiply their exposure to a financial market without committing more money.
Leveraged Products
These are financial instruments enabling traders to gain greater exposure to the market without increasing their capital investment. They do so by using leverage.
These are debts and obligations that detract from a company’s total value. They have to be paid over a certain period of time.
Limit Order 
This is an instruction given by a trader to a broker to execute a trade at a particular level which is more favorable than the current market price.
This is a term that describes how easily an asset can be sold or bought in the market without affecting its price. When there is a demand for an asset, there is a high liquidity, because in this period, it is easy to find a buyer or a seller for this asset.
Long Position
This is a position that makes a profit if an asset’s market price increases.
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