Glossaire du trading expliqué

Le trading est un processus complexe, qui implique de nombreuses actions qu’une personne peu familière avec le monde financier trouvera déroutantes. Une fois que vous aurez commencé votre carrière de trader, vous serez inondé de termes commerciaux dont vous ne connaîtrez pas la signification. Vous ne comprendrez pas immédiatement en quoi la valeur marchande d’une entreprise diffère de sa valeur comptable. Vous ne comprendrez pas non plus ce que signifie l’IPC et en quoi il diffère d’une introduction en bourse, à moins que nous ne vous fournissions un glossaire de tous les termes déroutants que vous rencontrez dans le secteur du trading.

To help you avoid confusion, we have compiled a comprehensive glossary of financial terms used at the markets. All trading glossary is presented in our glossary in the alphabetical order and is explained with linguistic precision. Any financial term that sounds baffling to you now will become crystal clear once you read its definition in our glossary below.

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Il y a 5 noms dans ce répertoire commençant par la lettre N.
Negative Balance Protection
This protection ensures that traders do not lose more than the balance on their account.
Net Change 
This term refers to the difference between the closing price of the current trading session, compared to the closing price of the previous trading session. Net change can be positive or negative, because it shows whether the markets were up or down a day before.
Net Income 
It is the total amount of profit made by a company and listed in its earnings report.  
Net Operating Income (NOI) 
It is a calculation used to analyze the profitability of income-generating real estate investments. NOI equals revenue from the property, excluding all necessary operating expenses.
Non-Current Asset
It is a company’s long-term investment, for which the full value is not realized during the accounting year. Non-current asset can also be an item without an inherent value, such as intangible assets, or assets with no fixed expiry, such as land or property.
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